Hello St. Paul’s Family
Here are a few things you may need to know.
Great news! Your May 2015 Circular is online! There are paper copies available at the back of the church if needed.
Ever wanted to be an angel? The Kitchen Angels are looking for recruits.
Kitchen Angels is a "working" group that gets together ONE Thursday of the month (depending on what else is going on in the kitchen). The Angels gather from 9:15 to 10:30 to do general organizing and polishing. Once a year we do Spring cleaning. No preparation or homework required! Just bring your rubber gloves and enjoy good coffee and good conversation. Please talk to Carol Edwards or leave you name with Claire if you want to exercise your wings.
Thank you – to the volunteers that helped set up and take down for the Collins Funeral. A special thank you to Ron Sugiyama for his help! You worked very hard and we appreciate it and you!
Friday, May 29th: Youth Group Dinner and Scavenger Hunt from 5pm - 8pmmeeting in the Cathedral hall. This event is open to all youth grades 4 and over. Bring a donation for dinner and then join us for an outdoor Scavenger Hunt in small groups with leaders! To RSVP please email Melissa: stpaulscathedralyouth@gmail.com or call/text: 250-682-4866.
Saturday, May 30th: Cathedral Family Gathering at 5pm meeting in the Cathedral hall. This event is open to parents/guardians and their children. Please join us for a meal together, intergenerational games, children's activities, worship and take part in an opportunity to share input (and participate in conversation) for the development of the Parish Profile as the Search Committee beings the work of searching for our next Dean and Rector. We'll also talk about how "Cathedral Families" are interested in gathering together over the next school year and share in a time of support and conversation with one another.
Come and gather with us!!
Church Picnic- June 7 after our 10AM service at Prince Charles Park. Hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, and water will be provided. Please bring finger food appetizers, lawn chairs and blankets.
Come for a fun afternoon on the grass at the park.
Strawberry Tea - June 19 in the Cathedral Hall. Tickets are $5 and are available at the door.
BCYAYM – BC & Yukon Anglican Youth Movement – will be holding its annual Thanksgiving conference at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Thanksgiving weekend Oct 9-12th ,2015. St. Paul’s will be hosting approximately 60-70 Anglican Youth for the weekend. One of our main responsibilities will be feeding these young people - looking after the different meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks). Our hope is to have the different meals looked after by various groups (ie Men’s Breakfast group, Altar Guild, Cathedral Committee, groups from St. George’s Church etc.)
We are forming a committee now, so that it will be ready to begin planning in early September. If you, as an individual or a group, would like to be involved in this project, please contact Claire in the church office at 250-372-3912 or by e-mail at stpaulscathedral@shawbiz.ca.
A new feature for this weekly email is a glance at the Sorrento Centre offerings called
“What can YOU learn at Sorrento Centre?”
This week featuring this great learning opportunity
July 19 – 25 – Week 3
The Jesus Way – Building Community one Conversation at a Timewith Ivy Thomas and LeAnn Blackert
SPOILER ALERT!!! You will recognize these instructors from their Lenten Lecture presentations!!
Jesus, the Great Communicator, practiced a Circle style of conversation: sitting around a fire sharing food and fellowship with his disciples, entering a circle ready to throw stones to defuse an unjust condemnation, sharing God’s Way with others one conversation at a time. Being in community is an inevitable part of living.
Research has shown that for a group to function well the following basic needs must be met: Safety, Cooperation, Understanding, Creativity and Achievement.
The Circle Way offers a practical style of communication that nurtures each of these aspects, enabling the development of deep, honest relationships. Within the safety of the Circle, voices are heard, ideas are shared and creativity is unleashed.
Ivy and LeAnn have translated important principles and practices of The Circle Way to improve the conversations we have at home, at work and in the church.
Join us to learn how Circle conversations can enhance personal relationships, committee meetings and congregational gathering
· Course Fee: $310
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